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Vice AdmitsiX I, 1-. Holloway 
CMef of Naval Peraonncl 
Washington 25» I>. C. 

Dear Admiral Hollo war- 

We are la receipt of a letter from the Director of Naval Intelli- 
gence, (reference Op-9Z18/mo Ser 9392F92) informing Mr. Sheffield 
Edwards, Director of Security, CIA. of certain new policies set forth 
by your office concerning the availability of Naval personnel records 
for investigative review. These new policies, particularly aa they 
refer to the review of Hies of li^ttvidaals in an “Inactive duty status , 
present a problem of eattreme gravity lor this Agency. 

The work of this Agency is of such a nMure It is imperative 
that, not only its employees, but all other persone with whom it deals 
in relationships of varying degrees of trust, W absolutely reliable and 
trustworthy. The number of these people, exclusive of employees, 
who must be relied upon by this Agency for assistance in fuHiUlng its 
mission, is great. Kelationshlps with them are senelttve, deUcate and 
intimate to the point where knowledge even of our interest must be 
maintained in complete and protective secrecy. There is no substitute 
for the assistance rendered by this group, yet they cannot be utUlned 
tmless their complete reliability is established by thorough investigation. 

The conduct of these investigations Is a delicate, difficult mat- 
ter requiring special techniques. The records of other Government 
Agencies are indispensable. The files of your oHlce are a most pro- 
lific source of Information, particularly as to Individuals on an “in- 
active duty status" into which category a surprisingly large number of 
these people fall. With the assistance of up-to-date Investtgatlons and 
other extensive Information available la the files «rf other Government 
Agencies, we are often enabied to make Immediate security determina- 
tions or to substantially reduce the effort, risk and expense of these 
investigations. Particularly peculiar to Investigatloas of this type is 
the fact that la many, the Subjects, themselves, must remain unaware 


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Yic« Admiral L. He]lowa7, Ckltl oi N«ral 

of any interest in tlaem until after a da^laltei a# to tlieir r«li4^>Uity is 
reached. then may an spproaalt ia them be mada. It is not ua* 

common for us to conduct three or fdtr investifatioiw before suttablllty 
requirements arc established and reliaMUty inddeatedfor one candidate. 
0nder the proeteione of your order, an invaluabie aeenue of aesistanee 
would be closed to us in an eidremely large number of eases because of 
the practical impossibility on ottr part to comply with fim retirement 
of produclr^ a sl|paod espy, or a plmtoetat tluir^, of the Subject's 
application for mnpJoyment or a Personal Metory Statement or Soeurity 
Questtonnaire eubesitted incident to a Security Clearance. 

I fttBy appreciate the pririleged ehuracter of personnel records 
and the need for adequate restrictions concerning them. This Agency, 
as a matter of unyiehttng policy, has idways joalonsly guarded this type 
of information e^en within the organisation Itself. The traffic in files 
contaii^ig j^rsonnel records or information is MgMy restricted. 

In this coiotectien, if thn policy recently ^fined by you has been 
prMspted by say Indication ^ Innlty on our part in the handlii^ «d per- 
soanel informatloa, 1 am certainly prepared to tehe prsper correcti-re 
meaeuree to maint^ the proper protectien of this type of Informafion. 

In practical effect, if your proposed policy is implemcttted. the 
work ef the Ofiice of Security of this Agency will be seriously hsadi> 
eappod. Should otimr CNmwrxuneiit Agencies adopt the same procedures, 
an Imposeibie situation from ths standpoint ei this Agcimy would result 
and the Nattonal Security would, to that extent, be impaired. 

I earnestly request tint you rsconslder the now procedures mid 
policy he terms of the possibility, if necessary, of grantteg an except 
tion to this Agency. Should you be disposed to discuss tbis matter in 
mors detail, I am eertein that we can cstablieh the gravity of our 
problsm as^, on the ether hand, assure you that through proper con- 
trols we can guarantee the sanctity of the information obtained from 
yma files. If you so desire, 1 shall be most hiq|jpy te discuss this 
matter at your convenience. 

It is my undsrstandlsg that the effecHve date of the new procedure 
is I September l9Sb. In view cd tlte difficulties presented, it is re- 
qimsted that tlte efiective date, as it conesrns this Agency, be postponed 

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»: CIA-RDP80B01 676R001 2001 30036-8 


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vice Admiral J. L. Holloway, Cklof o| Haval Peraoimol 

for sixty days until I November 1956, so as to allow tiaie lor nocassary 
discussions. ' 

I groatly appreciate your attoatlMik to tMs matter and any assistance 
you may be able to render, la view of your past splendid altit ude eo- 
opers^on and sympathetic underst«a«btg of our problems, I am eonfldeat 
that this matter will be resolved to our mutual saHsfaction. 



C. P. Cabell 

lileutenant Oemrral, USAF 
Deputy Director 

os/ S Edwards/jif 28 Aug 56 



1 - SSD File #77425 1 ^ 

1 - Navy Dept, Bureau of Naval Personnel File J ^ ^ 

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E«»cntive Pagigtry 

2 0 Ms;r 

At the Director's request I a m ansiwirtag your letter of s Mar <>h 
1956 vihich enclosed a letter from I who 

is seeking sponsorship for entry into the United States under the 
Refugee Relief Program. 

You 'W'ill readily understand teat appeals of this nature aii ^ regu - 
larly brought to our attention by ex-ernployees, such as Mr. I 

with backgrounds of faithful service to this organixaticm. In aicE — 
instance, detailed exanaination into the individual case is made, and 
the circumstances of both termination and potential continued utility 
are carefully reviewed. Obviously, there are many parsons of 
foreign birth who v/ish to have their past services recognised in the 
manner suggested by you r corre spondent. Unfortunately, and through 
no fault of his ovm, Mr* does not fit the criteria legally estab- 

lished to permit direct assistance by this agency in gaining entry to 
the United States. Furthei*, should such criteria be waived in his 
gase, a flood of similar reqiMSts from similarly experienced persons 
could be expected. 

Our investigation into Mr. | [ case has estabUshed that 

all official commitments made to him were honored, and his employ- 
ment was ended amicably. In these as well ae the circumstances 
outline d above, no action can be taken by this Agency to assist Mr. 
in securing a visa. 

Vt e appreciate your calling our attention to this case. 



£;xecutive Assistant to the Director 
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Apibroved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001 2001 30036-8 


FE J l /pl (25 Jul 58) 


STAT FE/EXO/| |gs (28 Jul 56) 
Orig & 1 ” Addressee 
DCI - 2 
DD/P « 1 
CFE - 1 
CFE/2 - 1 
IG - 1 
RI/AN - 1 


Chief, Far ij^st Division b/? /-S'/s'/ 


Deputy Director (Plans) 

Insbector General 

/ L! ^ 

Approved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001 2001 30036-8